Basic usage =========== In most cases you probably just like to iterate through all available tweets as easy as possible. And there it is, a very minimal example to do exactly this: .. code-block:: python from TwitterSearch import * try: tso = TwitterSearchOrder() tso.setKeywords(['#Hashtag1', '#Hashtag2']) ts = TwitterSearch( consumer_key = 'aaabbb', consumer_secret = 'cccddd', access_token = '111222', access_token_secret = '333444' ) for tweet in ts.searchTweetsIterable(tso): print('@%s tweeted: %s' % (tweet['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text'])) except TwitterSearchException as e: # take care of all those ugly errors if there are some print(e) Please note that is a working example for both, Python2 **and** Python3. Accessible information ---------------------- The creator of this library doesn't like to hide any informations from you. Therefore the data you'll receive is quite a lot. A typical tweet, as mentioned in the section above, consists of a huge ``dict``. You may ask the question "*But what does this field exactly mean?*". Well, that's where the job of *TwitterSearch* ends and the `Twitter documentation `_ joins the fun. An example of how such a tweet looks like is the following dict: .. code-block:: python {'contributors': None, 'coordinates': None, 'created_at': 'Tue Jul 02 11:43:18 +0000 2013', 'entities': {'hashtags': [], 'media': [{'display_url': '', 'expanded_url': '', 'id': 351897277478076417, 'id_str': '351897277478076417', 'indices': [78, 100], 'media_url': '', 'media_url_https': '', 'sizes': {'large': {'h': 375, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 600}, 'medium': {'h': 375, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 600}, 'small': {'h': 213, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 340}, 'thumb': {'h': 150, 'resize': 'crop', 'w': 150}}, 'source_status_id': 351897277473882113, 'source_status_id_str': '351897277473882113', 'type': 'photo', 'url': ''}], 'symbols': [], 'urls': [], 'user_mentions': [{'id': 786796010, 'id_str': '786796010', 'indices': [33, 47], 'name': u'Earth Pictures\u2122', 'screen_name': 'EarthBeauties'}]}, 'favorite_count': 0, 'favorited': False, 'geo': None, 'id': 352029711347617792, 'id_str': '352029711347617792', 'in_reply_to_screen_name': 'EarthBeauties', 'in_reply_to_status_id': 351897277473882113, 'in_reply_to_status_id_str': '351897277473882113', 'in_reply_to_user_id': 786796010, 'in_reply_to_user_id_str': '786796010', 'lang': 'in', 'metadata': {'iso_language_code': 'in', 'result_type': 'recent'}, 'place': None, 'possibly_sensitive': False, 'retweet_count': 0, 'retweeted': False, 'source': 'web', 'text': 'mau dong dibangunin rmh kekgini "@EarthBeauties: Hohenzollern Castle, Germany', 'truncated': False, 'user': {'contributors_enabled': False, 'created_at': 'Sun Mar 18 04:22:51 +0000 2012', 'default_profile': False, 'default_profile_image': False, 'description': u"girl non-smoking alcohol-free \u2022 @PLAYMAKERKIDSHC \u2022 DSFF \u2022 15\u221e \u2022 NotWild''", 'entities': {'description': {'urls': []}, 'url': {'urls': [{'display_url': '', 'expanded_url': '', 'indices': [0, 22], 'url': ''}]}}, 'favourites_count': 1, 'follow_request_sent': False, 'followers_count': 661, 'following': False, 'friends_count': 176, 'geo_enabled': False, 'id': 528140042, 'id_str': '528140042', 'is_translator': False, 'lang': 'id', 'listed_count': 1, 'location': u"SwiekeCity\u2022PinkBabyRoom's", 'name': 'EarStud', 'notifications': False, 'profile_background_color': 'BADFCD', 'profile_background_image_url': '', 'profile_background_image_url_https': '', 'profile_background_tile': True, 'profile_banner_url': '', 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_image_url_https': '', 'profile_link_color': 'FF0000', 'profile_sidebar_border_color': '000000', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': '252429', 'profile_text_color': '666666', 'profile_use_background_image': True, 'protected': False, 'screen_name': 'giwaang', 'statuses_count': 10199, 'time_zone': None, 'url': '', 'utc_offset': None, 'verified': False}}