Advanced usage: The TwitterSearch class

This is the main class of this library where all the action takes place. There are many ways to use it and the most common ones are explained in this section.

Constructor of TwitterSearch

The constructor needed to set your credentials for the Twitter API. The parameters are __init__( consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, verify=True).

If you’re new to Python take a look at the following example:

ts1 = TwitterSearch(
    consumer_key = 'aaabbb',
    consumer_secret = 'cccddd',
    access_token = '111222',
    access_token_secret = '333444'

# equals

ts2 = TwitterSearch('aaabbb', 'cccddd', '111222', '333444', verify=True, proxy=None)

Authentication and verification

Please be aware that there is no further check whether or not your credentials are valid if you set verify=False in the constructor. If you’re skipping the verification process of TwitterSearch you can avoid some traffic and one query. Note that this validation query is part of the rate-limiting as done by Twitter. If you are sure your credentials are correct you can disable this feature.

But be aware that you’re only saving one request at all by avoiding the automatic verification process. Due to the fact that json doesn’t consume much traffic at all, this may only be a way for very conservative developers or some exotic scenarios.

Proxy usage

To use a HTTPS proxy at initialization of the TwitterSearch class, an addition argument named proxy='some.proxy:888' can be used. Otherwise the authentication will fail if the client has no direct access to the Twitter API.

Returned tweets

This library is trying to not hide anything from your eyes except the complexity of its functions. Due to this you’re able to get all the information available (which can be quite a lot).

Example output with only one tweet included:

{'search_metadata': {'completed_in': 0.08,
                 'count': 1,
                 'max_id': 352072665667878913,
                 'max_id_str': '352072665667878913',
                 'next_results': '?max_id=352072665667878912&q=Germany%20castle&count=1&include_entities=1',
                 'query': 'Germany+castle',
                 'refresh_url': '?since_id=352072665667878913&q=Germany%20castle&include_entities=1',
                 'since_id': 0,
                 'since_id_str': '0'},
                 'statuses': [
                 {'contributors': None,
           'coordinates': None,
           'created_at': 'Tue Jul 02 14:33:59 +0000 2013',
           'entities': {'hashtags': [],
                        'media': [{'display_url': '',
                                   'expanded_url': '',
                                   'id': 351839174896259072,
                                   'id_str': '351839174896259072',
                                   'indices': [117, 139],
                                   'media_url': '',
                                   'media_url_https': '',
                                   'sizes': {'large': {'h': 639,
                                                       'resize': 'fit',
                                                       'w': 960},
                                             'medium': {'h': 399,
                                                        'resize': 'fit',
                                                        'w': 600},
                                             'small': {'h': 226,
                                                       'resize': 'fit',
                                                       'w': 340},
                                             'thumb': {'h': 150,
                                                       'resize': 'crop',
                                                       'w': 150}},
                                   'source_status_id': 351839174887870464,
                                   'source_status_id_str': '351839174887870464',
                                   'type': 'photo',
                                   'url': ''}],
                        'symbols': [],
                        'urls': [],
                        'user_mentions': [{'id': 118504288,
                                           'id_str': '118504288',
                                           'indices': [0, 11],
                                           'name': 'Josh Dallas',
                                           'screen_name': 'joshdallas'},
                                          {'id': 298250825,
                                           'id_str': '298250825',
                                           'indices': [12, 25],
                                           'name': 'Ginnifer Goodwin',
                                           'screen_name': 'ginnygoodwin'},
                                          {'id': 1201661238,
                                           'id_str': '1201661238',
                                           'indices': [49, 60],
                                           'name': 'Earth Pics',
                                           'screen_name': 'ThatsEarth'}]},
           'favorite_count': 0,
           'favorited': False,
           'geo': None,
           'id': 352072665667878913,
           'id_str': '352072665667878913',
           'in_reply_to_screen_name': 'joshdallas',
           'in_reply_to_status_id': None,
           'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None,
           'in_reply_to_user_id': 118504288,
           'in_reply_to_user_id_str': '118504288',
           'lang': 'en',
           'metadata': {'iso_language_code': 'en',
                        'result_type': 'recent'},
           'place': None,
           'possibly_sensitive': False,
           'retweet_count': 0,
           'retweeted': False,
           'source': '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Android</a>',
           'text': '@joshdallas @ginnygoodwin home during wintertime"@ThatsEarth: Hohenzollern Castle floating above the Clouds,Germany."',
           'truncated': False,
           'user': {'contributors_enabled': False,
                    'created_at': 'Fri Aug 14 09:15:27 +0000 2009',
                    'default_profile': False,
                    'default_profile_image': False,
                    'description': 'Scorpio. 23. MBA Graduate.',
                    'entities': {'description': {'urls': []},
                                 'url': {'urls': [{'display_url': '',
                                                   'expanded_url': '',
                                                   'indices': [0,
                                                   'url': ''}]}},
                    'favourites_count': 114,
                    'follow_request_sent': False,
                    'followers_count': 300,
                    'following': False,
                    'friends_count': 229,
                    'geo_enabled': False,
                    'id': 65599486,
                    'id_str': '65599486',
                    'is_translator': False,
                    'lang': 'en',
                    'listed_count': 0,
                    'location': 'Kuwait',
                    'name': 'Amal Behbehani',
                    'notifications': False,
                    'profile_background_color': 'DBE9ED',
                    'profile_background_image_url': '',
                    'profile_background_image_url_https': '',
                    'profile_background_tile': True,
                    'profile_banner_url': '',
                    'profile_image_url': '',
                    'profile_image_url_https': '',
                    'profile_link_color': 'CC3366',
                    'profile_sidebar_border_color': 'DBE9ED',
                    'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'E6F6F9',
                    'profile_text_color': '333333',
                    'profile_use_background_image': True,
                    'protected': False,
                    'screen_name': 'TigeyGirl',
                    'statuses_count': 18891,
                    'time_zone': 'Santiago',
                    'url': '',
                    'utc_offset': -14400,
                    'verified': False}}]}

Have a look at the entities documented by Twitter to figure out what a specific key-value tuple does exactly mean.

Access meta data

An output of the available meta data from the query to the Twitter API is stored in a dict structure. You can access it by calling get_metadata() which will return all meta information about the last query.


'content-length': '467129',
'x-rate-limit-reset': '1372773784',
'x-rate-limit-remaining': '170',
'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block',
'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0',
'status': '200',
'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
'set-cookie': 'lang=de, guest_id=v1%!xxx;; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01-Jul-2013 14:02:32 UTC',
'expires': 'Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT',
'x-access-level': 'read',
'last-modified': 'Tue, 01 Jul 2013 14:02:32 GMT',
'-content-encoding': 'gzip',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'date': 'Tue, 01 Jul 2013 14:02:32 GMT',
'x-rate-limit-limit': '180',
'content-location': u'',
'x-transaction': 'xxx',
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=631138519',
'server': 'tfe',
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'

Be careful about those data as it contains sensible data as you can see in get_metadata()['content-location']. Do NOT save or output those information to insecure environments!

If you are interested in the amount of queries that this library did automatically on your behalf you can access those information easy by calling get_statistcs(). A trivial example use-case could be to print out those informations as part of a debugging or logging facility: print("Queries done: %i. Tweets received: %i" % ts.get_statistics())

TwitterSearch without automatic iteration

It is also perfectly possible to use TwitterSearch without any automatic iteration and to query the Twitter API all by yourself. For example you may like to implement the suggest max_id procedure of Twitter to access the API directly and don’t trust the library to do this automatically on its own. Just assume that we would like to implement this feature independently again. A possible solution of this could look like:

from TwitterSearch import *

    tso = TwitterSearchOrder()
    tso.set_keywords(['Germany', 'castle'])

    ts = TwitterSearch('aaabbb', 'cccddd', '111222', '333444')

    # init variables needed in loop
    todo = True
    next_max_id = 0

    # let's start the action

        # first query the Twitter API
        response = ts.search_tweets(tso)

        # print rate limiting status
        print( "Current rate-limiting status: %i" % ts.get_metadata()['x-rate-limit-reset'])

        # check if there are statuses returned and whether we still have work to do
        todo = not len(response['content']['statuses']) == 0

        # check all tweets according to their ID
        for tweet in response['content']['statuses']:
            tweet_id = tweet['id']
            print("Seen tweet with ID %i" % tweet_id)

            # current ID is lower than current next_max_id?
            if (tweet_id < next_max_id) or (next_max_id == 0):
                next_max_id = tweet_id
                next_max_id -= 1 # decrement to avoid seeing this tweet again

        # set lowest ID as MaxID

except TwitterSearchException as e:

On-the-fly loading of supported languages

As you may have figured out some languages are not supported by Twitter and those that are may change over time. This is why Twitter does provide an endpoint to load all currently supported languages. You may query it to gather current information about the languages in Twitter.

from TwitterSearch import *

    tso = TwitterSearchOrder()
    ts = TwitterSearch('aaabbb', 'cccddd', '111222', '333444')

    # load  currently supported languages by Twitter and store them in a TwitterSearchOrder object

    # try to set German (see ISO 639-1) as language
    print('German seems to be officially supported by Twitter. Yay!')

except TwitterSearchException as e:

    # if we get an 1002 code it means that 'de' is not supported (see TwitterSearchException)
    if e.code == 1002:
        print('Oh no - German is not supported :(')